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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: STDs the others, STIs caused by parasites, Bacteria intracellular Chlamydia trachomatis, tertiary syphilis presence of spirochetes few, viruses ds enve- loped Hepatitis B, arthropods Mites Scabies, viruses ds enve- loped HSV1 HSV2, STIs caused by Bacteria, secondary syphilis signs and symptoms Condylomata lata, Treponema pallidum diagnosis darkfield microscopy, viruses ss +strand enveloped HIV, Bacteria Gram neg diplococcus Neisseria gonorrhoea, Bacteria ???? Gardenerella vaginalis, STIs caused by viruses, Fungi ???? Candida albicans, viruses ds non- enveloped HPV, STIs caused by arthropods, arthropods lice Pediculosis pubis, Treponema pallidum diagnosis non-treponemal antibody test, tertiary syphilis signs and symptoms Neurosyphilis, Cardiovascular syphilis, secondary syphilis signs and symptoms generalized rash, involving palms and soles